Byzantine Empire emblem





Sfântul Ierarh Vasile cel Mare

The Holy Hierarch
Basil the Great

The wealth-loving heart is like the fire that spreads farther and farther on the burning matter.
Listening to worldly stories should be to you like a bitter snack and the stories of the saints like a honeycomb.
Do not envy the rich for his wealth nor the wise for his science. Happiness does not lie in themselves.
Sfântul Ierarh Ioan Gură de Aur

The Holy Hierarch
John Chrysostom

Don't keep friends with you who love your meal more than your friendship!
There is no greater madness than the madness of the one enslaved by wealth. He seems to rule, but he is the one who is possessed; He looks like a gentleman, but he's a slave.
We must not criticize with pride, but guide others in the right way with love. When you judge another, without mercy, for his sins, you do not punish him with the heaviest punishment, but you punish yourself.
Sfântul Ierarh Grigorie Teologul

The Holy Hierarch
Gregory the Theologian

God sends us His gifts with greater joy than we can receive them.
Friendship does not subordinate, but equals. It means raising one another to God.
The sky is often closer to us when we bow than when we go up.
Sfântul Cuvios Simeon Noul Teolog

Saint Pious
Simeon the New Theologian

Good is not good when it is not done well.
Faith, without acts of almsgiving, does not exist.
Fasting is the doctor of our souls.
Let us not despise our salvation, and let us not justify our sins for various reasons, saying that no one can attain to holiness today.
Sfântul Ierarh Nectarie din Eghina

The Holy Hierarch
Nectarius of Aegina

After trials follow spiritual joy. The Lord remembers those who endure trials.
The soul touched by the love of God rejoices because it rests in the love of the Lord, like the traveler by the spring.
Love is the basis of human happiness and well-being and the foundation of all virtues. It is the ladder that lifts man to perfection.
Sfântul Cuvios Paisie Aghioritul

Saint Pious
Paisie Aghioritul

People who have love and kindness are like angels who convey joy and happiness.
If we value our sins by directing them to humility, they are like the fertilizer we put in the seedlings.
Since God has given us abundant gifts, we must be sorry for the one who has nothing to live on.


Mother of God

Icoana Maicii Domnului

Mother of God

Icoana Maicii Domnului

Mother of God

Icoana Maicii Domnului


Virgin Mother Mary
Prayer to the Mother of God
Axion Estin



The Holy Emperor Iustinian

Saint Emperor Justinian the Great

The Holy Emperor Marcian

Saint Emperor Marcian

The Holy Emperor Constantin

Saint Emperor Constantin the Great

Byzantine Empire Map

The evolution of the Byzantine Empire

Cristian T. 2021
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